Our Information Security Policy is shaped as a sub-branch of our mission and vision foresights;
Our system is to show that information security is provided within the organization, to ensure risk management, to measure information security process performance and to aim at continuous improvement by organizing relations with third parties on issues regarding high information security. With these aims, three basic elements of Information Security Systems are provided.
Confidentiality: Restriction of access to essential information,
Integrity: Demonstrating that the accuracy and integrity of the information is ensured,
Accessibility: For the security of all data in electronic, written, printed, oral and similar media, it is the case of demonstrating the availability of information when required by authorized persons as per system standards. It is applicable to all organizations regardless of issues such as company scale, sector, differences in business processes, and standards.
İnooster Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş.

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