Our Customer Satisfaction Policy

We, as Inooster;


As an organization that fulfills the requirements of ISO10002 in order to meet the demands of our customers in a timely and complete manner within the scope of our services, we are committed to;


* Respecting people, being aware of corporate and social responsibility, adhering to the principle of equality, being open and transparent and giving confidence,


* As an organization that thinks scientifically and creatively; Serving as a model of a management and customer satisfaction system that constantly monitors, continuously improves, and renews,


* Providing services that are human-oriented and comply with customer rights and comply with international norms,


* By protecting customer privacy at the highest level, raising awareness of the customer at every stage of the process,


* With the aim of increasing customer satisfaction, analyzing customer complaints effectively and efficiently, providing the necessary resources in line with these analyzes, attaching importance and value to personnel training, and creating an organizational structure that includes highly qualified individuals as a result of these trainings,


* By following domestic and international quality programs, fulfilling the legal requirements regarding “Consumer Rights”.


İnooster Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş.


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